Summer (and Green) is in the Air

Summer (and Green) is in the Air

June 21st marked the summer equinox, also known as the longest day of the year. It’s one of three equinox days of the year — the next being the fall equinox — when day and night are roughly equal in length around the globe.

However, to paraphrase Bob Dylan and Sam Cooke, we don’t need a weatherman (or a calendar) to be aware that a summer has arrived; Mother Nature's blast of hot air alerted us to change our fashion style.

What better time of year to clean out our closets and refresh the old wardrobe by injecting a burst of color? And what better color than fresh summer green to brighten the sunny days ahead? 

Green has several positive associations include freshness, relaxation, comfort, recognition, care, sociability, money and finance, nature, charisma, trustworthiness, creativity, balance, healing, and generosity. (We can simply choose to ignore any negative associations like envy, rigidity, and stagnation. Ha!)

According to scientific studies, the color green is said to produce the least amount of eye strain when exposed to it for long periods of time and researchers at the University of Amsterdam have found that seeing green keeps people in a good mood overall.

A study published in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin also found that green can stimulate creativity. When researchers exposed participants in a study to the color green before they began working on a creative task, the researchers found that the creativity of the participants increased.

Green is associated with nature of course and pairs well with neutrals or more vibrant colors such as bright pink for this time of year.

The team at David Edwards Clothier has years of experience in fashion, image consultation and the expertise to get you started on your journey. We believe color is essential to life. Which is why we plan highlight different colors and how they can work for you in upcoming posts.

Stay tuned and happy summer!



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